The application of anthracite in black powder is introduced. 文章介绍了无烟煤在工业黑火药中的应用。
The formation of "black powder" is analyzed and available control methods are proposed. 分析了“黑粉”形成的原因,提出了控制和防止出现“黑粉”的可行性措施。
Their problem was to bind the black powder together again so it would be hard enough to serve as a writing instrument. 它们的难题是如何重新组合这些黑色的粉末,使它成为有足够硬度的书写工具。
Once in Europe, the black powder was used for military purposes, first in rockets, then in canons and guns. 欧洲曾一度将黑火药用于军事目的,最先是用在火箭,后来用于火炮和火枪。
Plasma Oxygen Treatment of Carbon Black Powder and Its Dispersibility in Water 氧等离子体处理炭黑及其在水中分散性
Many black powder revolvers were converted by the factory to fire the more modern cartridges, and this example shows one of the ways it was done. 许多黑火药的左轮手枪被转换,由工厂发射更先进的墨盒,这个例子显示的方法之一,这是做了。
A fine black powder of platinum; used as a catalyst in chemical reactions. 一种黑色的铂的细粉末,在化学反应中用作催化剂。
A fine, soft and handy black powder puff particularly suited to the application of HD Powder and other loose powders. 材质极其细致与柔软的黑色粉扑,特别适用于HD微晶蜜粉,或其他蜜粉。
Black mercuric sulfide, a black powder obtained from mercury salts or by the reaction of mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment. 黑色硫化汞,是来自于汞盐或通过水银与硫磺反应而得到的一种黑色粉末,用作颜料。
What is this black powder on your desk? 你桌子上的黑色粉末是什么?
Porperties: Brown black powder, solve in water and mellow. 性状:棕黑色粉末,溶于水和醇。
The mystery is in the black powder. 秘密全在这黑色粉末里面。
An investigation on combustion properties and pyrotechnic effect of black powder 黑火药燃烧性能及烟火效应研究
Black powder and modern chemical propellants 黑火药与现代化学推进剂
Study on the Improvement of Black Powder 黑火药的改进研究
The nanocomposites were prepared by low filling black powder to HDPE ( High-Density Polyethylene) and LLDPE ( Linear Low-Density of Polyethylene), the structures and properties of composites were studied. 采用黑粉低填充HDPE、LLDPE基体制备纳米复合材料,研究了复合材料的结构和性质。
Function of Water in Black Powder 水在黑火药中的作用
An optimized black powder was compared with normal black powder in combustion products and pressure histories. 还就其燃烧产物、pt曲线与传统黑火药进行了对比。
A discussion on the important roles of three main components of black powder in the development of the modern chemical propellants is presented in this paper. 本文论述了黑火药的三大组分在现代化学推进剂发展中的重要作用。
Study on Charcoal-free Black Powder 无木炭型黑火药研究
The test and use of the controlled blasting of black powder in granite dimension stone production in Shangcheng County, Henan is described with working face production elements and reasonable blasting parameters recommended. 介绍了黑火药控制爆破法在河南省商城县花岗岩开采中的试验与应用,给出了工作面开采要素和合理的爆破参数。
Conclusion The different mixture ratios of three ingredients of the black powder can produce different pyrotechnic effects. 结论黑火药3种成分的不同配比可以产生不同的烟火效应;
Contrastive Analysis of the Determination Methods of Black Powder Real Density 黑火药真密度测定方法的比较分析
Influence of Charcoal Type on Burning Rate of Black Powder 炭的品种对黑火药燃烧速度的影响
Pyrotechnic Effects and Composition Selection of Black Powder 黑火药的烟火效应和配方选择
Thermal Decomposition and Kinetic Parameters of Black Powder Reaction 黑火药的热分解过程与反应动力学参数研究
Study on the Ignition Abilities of Different Black Powder Grain by Low Velocity Detonation Pipe 低速爆轰管对黑火药的点传火性能研究
Influence of "black powder" on Microstructure and properties of PM Ni-based superalloy 黑粉对PM镍基粉末高温合金组织性能的影响
Study on Moisture-Resistant Black Powder 黑火药的防潮包覆技术研究
The quality of black powder was checked by black powder burn rate. 通过计算火药燃烧率检查火药质量。